James O'Halloran, Bristol's Business Coach

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Business Coaching - what is it?

Yours truly having a laugh with a client - She said: “Set a timer I don’t want to spend too long on this topic

For every individual identified as a business coach, you will have a different definition of what Business Coaching (or Executive Coaching) is.

I am a Business Coach. Most of my clients over these 8 years (since I graduated as a coach) have been Business Coaching clients.

Some ‘Business Coaches’ belong more in the category of Business Mentors or perhaps even Business Trainers. The distinction is that Mentors and Trainers ‘tell’ or ‘sell’ ideas (primarily) and Coaches ‘elicit’ what the problem is, they bring focus to what isn’t working so that it can be examined together.

Sometimes we just need to be given a template, a process or a tool and that is all we need to become unstuck.

Don’t get me wrong I use tools but Business Mentors or, shall we say, more procedural Business Coaches have more of a formula for your success. Sometimes this is exactly what is required. An ‘emergent’ Business Coach cuts their teeth on looking at things more holistically or systemically and without any particular solution in mind. It’s really a search for the most appropriate and authentic solution.

If you know exactly what you need or where you or your business is getting stuck by all means go and find someone to help you implement a better way.

But, if you have a sense that all is not as good as it could be. Or, that life used to be easier. Or, that you have uncovered some fears that are holding you back. Or, that you want to work on something intangible like a 5-year vision. Then you are much more likely to get to the truth of this when you work with someone like me. As a business coach, I’m more of an archaeologist who loves a good adventure but measures success on pragmatic results. Whereas some business coaches are one part Lecturer one part Evangelist.

Make your choice for what it is you need…

And, if it’s not obvious what type of coach you are sitting in front of… tune into who does more of the talking? If it’s them they are likely to be more of a Procedural Coach or Mentor. And, figure out: are you having mini awakenings that appear to change things because you are now looking at things differently? If so you are likely with an Emergent Business Coach.

One of my long-standing clients; his wife refers to me as his “Business Therapist”. I know that for some people this reference will be a triggering concept… Yet I do operate more like a Therapist than a Trainer e.g. someone that ‘has the answer and is going to impress it on you no matter what’. Good coaching is primarily about listening and observing so that you can ask wicked questions. Questions that stop you in your tracks and bring about eye-widening insights and ultimately actions that appear to tick themselves.

Coaching is different to therapy in that it is very much Present (and Future) focussed versus focussed on healing the past. Don’t get me wrong we can learn a huge amount from the past but it’s important that we don’t stay stuck there.

I highly recommend you try out a coach before buying and perhaps even try three to see who fits best. Book in a free trial session with me here.

Hi, I’m James - your Business Coach in Bristol…